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The Micro is the simplest GRA4-powered Social Network. It can run on any PHP hosting (including free ones), and does not even require a database server.

If you want to try Micro GRA4 Social Network - use GRA4-enabled free hosting at
https://ucq.me ('You seek me')

Before you install the Micro, please make sure you are installing the newest version:

GRA4 Micro Installation

Copy all files (including sub-folders) from micro/ to some folder on your hosting.
For example: public_html/micro
Your Micro website will be visible at https://yourserver.com/micro

Navigate your browser to https://yourserver.com/micro, register the admin user.

You done ! Now you have full-blown social network on your hosting =)

GRA4 Micro Upgrade
It's safe to just copy new version over the old one.

If you want to monetize your traffic, use the admin interface to place your ad codes.

Get new versions, updates, and support at https://gra4.com/groups/profile/97/gra4-webmasters-micro

Read more at https://gra4.com/wiki

这程序不到1M 堪称最小的社交网源码,但是功能却很多,代码简洁,网站打开速度超快--littlebird



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