顶点网 > Kayako v4.01.204 著名PHP客户管理系统 已破解
Kayako v4.01.204 著名PHP客户管理系统 已破解

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BigFinger (FreeDesk) – Kayako Fusion v4.01.204 Cracked/Pre-patched:

* 无需授权码
* 无需Zend Optimizer 和 ionCube Loader需求
* 无域名限制
* 无其他限制

BigFingre (FreeDesk) Crack Info:
The BigFinger (FreeDesk) crack can only apply to ‘ZendOpen’ or ‘ionCubeOpen’ files. This crack will not work with Trial or fully encoded files.
BigFingre (FreeDesk) Crack files are placed under ‘Crack’ directory with help desk installation files. You can use these crack files with future builds of Kayako Fusion as well.

步骤 1. 解压缩 ‘Crack/BigFingre-(FreeDesk)-Kayako-V4-Crack.tar.gz’. 文件,获取__swift文件夹.
步骤 2. 将得到的__swift复制,替换原有的__swift文件夹。

Known Issues:

Admin CP shows this error after applying patch:
[8192]: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated (Controllers/class.Controller_StaffBase.php(1) : eval()’d code:1)

Issue is related to PHP. Got the issue using latest PHP 5.3.6. Use lower version or PHP 5.2.x.

Only one problem with PHP but it’s easily solvable. )))
To all, who can’t make it work, I strongly recommend to use PHP 5.2.17 + Apache 2.2.23
Works perfect both on Linux and Windows.

Demo : https://www.kayako.com/


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