顶点网 > uHotelBooking v2.7.9 - PHP酒店预订系统
uHotelBooking v2.7.9 - PHP酒店预订系统


UHotelBooking是一个强大的酒店管理和在线预订/预订网站脚本。 脚本基于PHP,用于管理中小型酒店,度假公寓或宾馆。 酒店预订系统可以在几分钟内开始在线预订和客户管理。 它专门用于简化在线酒店预订的任务。
管理员可以管理房型,酒店房价和预订选项。 后端强大的管理员面板和在线预订管理器包括发票和报告功能。
访客可通过在线预订预订系统搜索客房供应情况。 他们还可以实时查看房间库存,检查可用性和预订。


前台 http://www.hotel-booking-script.com/demo/index.php
后台图册 http://www.hotel-booking-script.com/gallery#backend




Operating System: Linux or Windows
Web Server: Apache or IIS
"mod_rewrite" module enabled
PHP 5.0.0 or higher
MySQL 4.1 or higher


1. 安装 uHotelBooking
1.1 Step 1. 下载解压缩.
1.2 Step 2. 上传文件.
1.3 Step 3. 创建数据库.
1.4 Step 4. 设置权限.
1.5 Step 5. 运行 install.php 文件.
1.6 Step 6. 删除安装文件.

安装 uHotelBooking

A new installation of uHotelBooking is a very straight forward process:

Step 1. Uncompressing downloaded file.
Uncompress the uHotelBooking script archive. The archive will create a directory called "uHotelBooking_XYZ" (or PHPUHB_XYZ), where XYZ - is a number of current version.

Step 2. 上传.
使用FTP软件将解压缩后的文件和文件夹上传到根目录 (或 public_html, www, httpdocs 其他.) .

Step 3. 创建数据库.

Step 4. 设置属性权限.
4.1. 修改 images/ 和 tmp/ 文件夹属性为777.

4.2. 如果你使用 IIS, 请开启IIS的rewrite. 打开 httpd.conf 文件,将下面两行前面的井号#去掉:
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
#AddModule mod_rewrite.c

如果你使用 Apache 请确保服务器安装 mod_rewrite ,至于如何安装开启 mod_rewrite o请移步官方: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/rewrite/

Step 5. 运行 install.php 文件.

http://{www.mydomain.com}/{hotel-booking directory}/install.php

Step 6. 删除安装文件.


Version 2.7.9
NEW the location is automatically set when searching availability if it is the only one
NEW support for email templates
NEW the site can be converted to the mode of apartments (requires a special template)
NEW the ability to display payments as a checkbox
NEW link "Delete all" for mail log page
NEW new setting constant TYPE_FILTER_TO_NUMBER_ROOMS for filtering by min/max number of rooms
NEW new setting constant SHOW_CREATION_DATE_FROM_TO for filtering by date created form/to of booking
NEW self-automatic currency rates update
ENH added a default value for the "adults" field
ENH work with the flags (changing languages) in the ipanel-center widget
ENH now mass mail log allows you to save every message sent
ENH now when booking in the backend email is also sent to the administrator and the hotelowner
ENH added additional room information on Room Prices page
ENH possibility to turn on/off CSRF validation by CSRF_VALIDATION
ENH in reviews added possibility to admin to answer on customer reviews
ENH installation module - added possibility to update by separate versions
FIX bugs fixed


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