顶点网 > FusionCharts Suite XT v3.13.1
FusionCharts Suite XT v3.13.1


FusionCharts XT是fusioncharts.com的旗舰产品,由50多个图表类型组成,它可以对您的报告、仪表板、调查、监视器和分析的完美补充,点击图表查看它的运行情况。




Version 3.13.1-sr.1
27th August, 2018
Legend interaction was not working in Chrome for Android devices. The issue has now been fixed.
The size of fusioncharts.js file in FusionCharts Suite XT package has been reduced to 1.3 Mb. Previously the file size was 2.44 Mb.
Version 3.13.1
10th August, 2018
Chart was throwing runtime error while changing the chartType.
When map alias was prefixed with a path (e.g. ‘maps/’) drill down chart failed to render the maps.
The attribute displayValue set as " " (blank space), is now working for trend line when the start value is 0.
Problem related to rendering FusionCharts in old IE browsers (VML) has been rectified.
Changing theme using setChartAttribute has been fixed for Funnel and Pyramid chart.
Application of palette colors on changing theme is rectified for Pie 3D charts.
Legend icons are now properly updated on changing theme, for Multi-Axis Line chart.
Crossline color is now properly updated on changing theme, for Stacked Column chart.
The background color of the Thermometer graph is now properly updated for themes Fusion, Gammel or Candy.
Consolidated tooltip can now safely use
element to define tooltext.
animateClockwise is now working for Pie/Doughnut charts.

