顶点网 > Architect v2.2.1 - HTML网站在线生成器
Architect v2.2.1 - HTML网站在线生成器


Architect是功能强大且易于使用的HTML静态网站在线生成器,它除了具有HTML静态网站在线生成的功能,同时还提供独特的功能,如主题和模板的选择,干净整洁的代码,最佳的可视化CSS和图像编辑器 以及更多更多的功能。


后台管理员[email protected]




PHP 版本 5.6.4 或更高
MCrypt PHP 扩展 (可选,但建议安装。)
PDO 扩展 (默认开启)
php_fileinfo 扩展 (默认开启)
MySQL 数据库


2020 April 22 - Version 2.2.1
New Features
Added new notification system.
Added configurable GDPR cookie notice.
Added configurable confirmation policies to register page.
Added chunked uploading. This allows Architect to upload large files in smaller chunks for better upload reliability and avoid server max file size limits.
Added support for XSendFile and XAcceleratedResponse for reducing server RAM and CPU usage when previewing or downloading files.
Added resumable uploads functionality.
Builder images can now be stored on cloud services (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc.)
Improved link manager positioning on mobile.
Specific plans can now be hidden from upgrade and pricing pages.
Device switcher will now disable options that can't be toggled on current screen size.
Project owner can now be changed from admin area.
Proration amount on subscription changes to more expensive plan on same interval will now be charged immediately instead of next billing cycle on stripe to prevent abuse.
Added validation to check whether x-accel or x-sendfile is setup on the server before enabling that setting in Architect.
Clicking "edit" button while icon is selected in builder will now open icon selector for replacing that icon.
Updated several built-in templates to latest versions and bootstrap 4.
Improved performance when downloading large files.
Account confirmation email can now be resent from login page and admin area.
Localization settings page will now show all available timezones.
Redirect user from "billing/pricing" to "billing/upgrade" url if they are already logged in or subscribed.
Public uploads (like user avatars) can now be stored on cloud services (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc.).
Bug Fixes
Background image uploading will now work properly.
Pathname will now be striped from url when building sub-domain urls for projects.
Fixed an issue where preview button would generate incorrect url sometimes.
Fixed an issue where 403 error would be shown on some hosting providers when trying to load project in the builder.
User subscription page will now correctly show parent and not base plan price.
Fixed a few translation issues.
Fixed an issue where projects with accented characters in the name preview would not work sometimes.
Fixed font size input in text style panel.
Added admin and custom page navbar positions to menu manager.
Properly delete user projects after user is deleted.
Corrected a few visual issues with dropdowns across the site.
Chart legend items will now wrap to new line if there's not enough space.
A number of other smaller fixes and improvements.
2019 December 02 - Version 2.2.0
New Features
Added a landing page along with landing page editor in admin area.
Added dark & light mode as well as multiple theme functionality.
Data tables in admin area now have a number of built-in filters for easier data management.
Users can now attach custom domains to their projects.
Maximum number of projects can now be specified for user, role or plan.
Default FTP credentials for publish project dialog can now be specified from settings page.
Link editor will now be better positioned depending on the available screen space.
Updated project preview appearance in user dashboard.
Admin area is now fully responsive.
Custom HTML can now be entered from "admin -> appearance > custom code" page.
Builder sidebar now can be toggled on or off on mobile.
"Admin > ads" page will now show a preview of where specific ad will appear on site.
Improved html code formatting in the code editor.
Various file uploads that are no longer used will now be periodically deleted.
More templates on "new project" page will now be loaded when user scrolls down.
User default avatars will now be generated automatically based on their email address.
Template uploader in admin area will now accept more folder structures for templates.
"iframe" and "script" tags are not supported in custom pages.
Bug Fixes
Completely rebuilt appearance editor "colors" section, which will fix a number of issues with changing default colors.
Fixed an issue where user would not be editable sometimes from "admin > users" page.
Creating new page in builder will now correctly set that page SEO options.
"View Source" button will now correctly highlight code for corresponding element.
Fixed a few issues with duplicating existing pages.
Fixed a few text lines that were not translatable.
Fixed a few issues with "position" option in attributes panel.
Fixed an issue where template name was not changeable sometimes.
Prevent html and body tags from being deleted via del keybind.
Fixed an issue where downloaded project would sometimes still have asset urls pointing to live site.




